Wahai Temanku Yang Mendadak Menjadi “Polisi”


“Polisi moral dadakan semakin merajalela sekarang. Ambang privasi dan pilihan hidup seseorang seakan menjadi “gorengan” untuk diburu bersama. Atas nama “ikut mengingatkan” semua serba suci dan paham segalanya. Kalian memang peduli atau hanya ingin menilai dan menghikimi saja?”


Tuntutan patuh akan moral yang kau percaya dan sembah hanya bermodalkan apa yang kau pahami dan percaya. Penerapan dan seranganmu yang bertubi bukan tanpa alasan.  Ada aksi ada reaksi. Kau mungkin melihat terlebih dahulu, mulai membaca dan mengamati satu dua hal dari satu sudut pandang. Sesekali sempat terbersit melihat dari sisi yang berbeda, bahkan kau juga sempat memposisikan dirimu di atas “kaki” orang yang sedang kau urusi hidupnya.

Akhir-akhir ini kau suka sibuk diterpa satu dua berita yang beragam. Otakmu dituntut mencerna dan merespon setiap yang masuk dan keluar. Ragam perspektif bermuculan, tapi kau tetap menggunakan sudut pandang yang kau percaya dan yakini. Atas nama moral, agama, paham, dan background yang kau miliki, kau tak mau tahu apa yang mereka utarakan. Intinya, kau lah yang paling benar.

Kau juga ikut “mengawasi” dan menjadi pengawas figur dan tokoh-tokoh yang muncul. Sekalipun kau tidak mengenalnya. Bahkan tak jarang kau yang hanya baru sekali mendengar dan tahu namanya, kini ikut mengurusi hidupnya. Ketika dilempar pertanyaan :


“Bila tak suka, untuk apa kau mengomentari dan menjadi “polisi” bagi dia?”

“Kan kamu tidak mengenal dia yang sebenarnya, jadi buat apa?”


Dan dengan lantang kau menjawab :


“Aku harus mengingatkannya!”

“Apa yang kupercaya mengajarkanku untuk ikut mengurusi hidup dan keputusan pribadinya”

“Tidak ada salahnya mengingatkan sebelum dia berlarut dalam apa yang dia lakukan kan?”


Aku tak menyalahkanmu begitu saja tentunya. Bahkan kuhargai kejujuran mu itu. Belum lagi setelah kuketahui, kau tidak sendiri. Masih ada “polisi-polisi” moral lainnya yang berpemikiran dan berpandangan yang sama sepertimu. Yang kubingung adalah sikap dan cara mu menjadi polisi dan pengawas bagi mereka. Tak jarang kau menyerang dan ikut menasehati dai dengan moral-moral dan standar sosial yang masyarakat kita punya, bahkan dengan ayat-ayat suci yang kau sembah dan percaya.

Apa yang kau percaya seakan menajadi parameter baru yang seakan menjadi paduan dan parameter baru untuk suatu kelayakan hidup seseorang. Ranah pribadi dan pilhan hidupnya turut menjadi bagian dan harus kau santap juga. Demi mewujudkan masyarakat imajiner yang kau dan rekanmu dambakan walau sebenarnya kau pun tidak tahu apa sebenarnya tujuan akhir dari apa yang kau percayai itu. Sempat ku cekal dan kutimpali komentarmu. Bahkan kupenasaran,


“Apa yang sebenarnya membuatmu seakan menjadi polisi moral bagi mereka yang berbeda itu?”

“Bagaimana bila kau berada diposisi mereka?”

 “Sadarkah kau kalau kita semua di sini hidup berdampingan satu sama lain?”

“Sadarkah kau kalau kau tidak bisa begitu saja memberi standar kepada orang lain dengan apa yang kau yakini dan percaya?”


Mari sejenak mengheningkan cipta atas dasar rasa menghakimi yang semakin ke sini semakin menjadi-jadi bagi kita.  Padahal kita berbeda satu sama lain. Semoga arwah dan sisa niatan baik yang kita punya, masih ada dan bisa dipakai di masa yang akan datang. Tanpa Lupa tetap menghargai, menghormati, dan tetap memposisikan diri kita terhadap orang lain yang berbeda itu.

Tanpa mengurangi rasa kasih ku padamu sebagai rekan yang satu masyarakat yang indah dan beragam, mari kita bersama bergandengan tangan. Membuka mata, hati, dan telinga kita, menjadi berbeda bukan lantas menjadi alasan untuk kita muncul menjadi “polisi baru” bagi orang lain.


*Alam Semesta Menyertai Kita Semua*






People told me I was special when I was a toddler.


I believed them.


People told me I was intelligent when I was in middle school.


I believed them.


People told me I had a lot of potential when I was in high school.


I’ve never stopped believing them.


I imagine my life as a movie in which I’m the not-quite-heroic protagonist. My task is to make the most of my potential. Every time things get tough and I want to quit, I think: “…but, but, my potential. I don’t want to waste my potential!”


So far it’s been a blessing. It’s what’s kept me going day after day, month after month, long after I first decided that I wanted to quit.


But in a way it’s also my curse, my cross to bear, the Earth to my inner Atlas.


Protection Of Child During War

Hello I’m back, its very a long time that I don’t write to this personal blog. Im not gonna tell you the reason why. but hope you happy too as I am. Today, Im gonna write one of global issues. hope you enjoy it!


Protection Of Child During War


Millions of children are in danger during war all over the world. They are living under brutal war areas that have been turned into open-air prisons. They and their family and friends are cut off from the outside world. They are effected by armed conflict, confronted with physical harm, violence, danger, weapons, exploitation, fear and loss. These children live in all over the conflict and war areas, which is the most broken places of our world. Place where many others cannot or will not go.

The latest symbol of their suffering is Omran, five years old Syrian boy, whose photo sitting dazed in an ambulance after being rescued from a destroyed building in Aleppo, Syria, on August 17th, was shown around the world. This one just about little example how war can make big dangerous and problem. As a next generation we need to protect child and their living place, e specifically for child during war and child who lived in conflict and dangerous areas. Child protection as all efforts to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of violence against children, especially the most vulnerable. As a next generation, we need to create a safe environment around children, such that they not only survive but thrive in their communities. By making programs to ensure that physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of the most vulnerable children are met within caring and protective families and communities.
Let us take a look at what kind of protection that really can help child during war. It is universally recognized and accepted that children from a part of the civilian population and can get the right and benefits accorded to the civilian population in addition to the special right. Children have special right and can get protection under law and governments. Provided by legal protection and social services to ensure children’s right are met and that violations will be detected and punished. In war and conflicts, children need safe hospital, place to stay, protection of wounded and sickness, evacuation, sea transport, medical supplies, food and clothing, family news, and many other important stuff that very needed by child in war areas. All of this necessaries things can be provided by government itself and by giving protection under the law to help and make better living place for child. For example to help this child from government make a program under United Nation, for specifically UNESCO.
Additionally, we belive every child have a families who can live with them, protect them and give an affection to them. Every child deserve to be happy and can play safety in their living place with their families. Family have a role as a provider and nurturing environment. In the conflict and war areas, it is very easly for these child got separated with their family. They got armed and got bad effects during war. In conflict and war areas, we believe family have come together. They shall be lodged together in the same place of the same family, except when seperation of a temporary nature is necessitated for a conditional reasons, like employment or health issues. They also can get protected by give them the right to family news, specially to child who get seperated form their parents or siblings.
In the same way, another protcetion can help child during war are Positive Communities and Schools. Communities can provide a sense of home, love, affection, and belonging. Communities and school help socialise children and teach them right form wrong. School also provide an education and the skills children will need to become self-reliant adult. They also provide an evironment where childrean can play, having fun, socialise with friends and families for each other. In another reason, there are so many children who lost and got seperated with their families and friends. They need positive communities to stay safe and can get protection and educatiuon too. Many communities and schools came from non government or government it self. They help with rebuild school, providing uniforms, school stuff, and fees so that children can do another activities to learn and get educated even they living in war and conflicts areas. Communities and school also can help child with finding new families for orphaned or seperated children. So they can get evacuated and living in safe maybe as adopted child in another families.
Children especially vulnerable in armed aremd conflicts. They are often seperated form their families, driven from their homes, killed, maimed, sexually abused or exploited in other ways. They need protection and want to get help during war and conflicts. Maybe they get seperated form their families, need a save living place, and want to go to school or maybe just play happy and fun with their friends. This house believe that children must be protect and help during war. The government can protect them under the law. Government have a many programs to help child and their families during war. Children also need their families to living with. If they got seperated wit their family, they must be evacuated and protected by communities and government itself. During war children need save living place to go to school and have fun with their friends.

Because we belive children deserve better life and stay in better place to grown up and get freedom from conflicts and wars.


thank you for reading,

have a good day

Style Guide : Back To Campus

Hello good fellas,


this is me again. Hows your days ? i hope you enjoy it. After enjoy, play, and have fun in this big summer/holiday season, all students will be come back to Campus, college, and University. And you all maybe wanna to check what still hot and good for us to back again to our activity as students.  I hope you enjoy and get some inspiration for your daily style.

here we go….

  1. Put Your Best Shoes.

For this Back to school style, I recomend some casual and easy-wear things for your feet.

 Adidas Superstar is still on !xixqwkt609e394wruehd

2. Try Something new !


01-SS-Men  tumblr_mt9q4nCMwK1rxvcc9o1_500

3. Style guide for boys and mens

street-style-paris-mens-shows-day-1-the-impression-june-2014010 Streetstyle-of-Mens-Paris-Fashion-Week-Spring-2015-8 Londons-Men-Spring-2015-Collections-Day-1-david-nyanzi-fashion-bomb-daily Latest-Tommy-Ton’s-photo-shoots-street-style-in-London-fashion-show-2014-2015-6 G090313_4 fashion-bomb-daily-street-style-men-african-print-brandon-isralsky boy Men-street-style-2011-1 61658cdac8c89815e0448535cf908869 7a8fa3018a608bbe39d2dde7ba04ff8b 2BestofStreetStyleMilanoModaUomoSS14 7f7931bbf3b47a615c050e7448de2901 3afe48e00e97f1d20cc8b0e5e04fffbb

4. make-up : try something uniq


5. this is Japan-Fashion Booms!

Maybe japanese style too much  “extraordinary” for us. But here i fpund some style who are not look to much and it will be cool if you try it in your campus.

6. BOX- Japanese-Bags

For boys who wanna try Japanese Style

7. Whatever your Major don’t forget your Varsity Jacket !

just it for today, hope you enjoy it !

Ramos Pardede

Sexuality, Porn, and Industry

Hy all, how your days, i hope you enjoy and feel good right now, today i will give some of my points from one case.

Here we go

Couple months ago, i watched one of episodes from GIRLS ( a TV series writed, directed, and writen by Lena Dunham ) season 2. One of the characters that I forgot her name, was found and old vintage Porn Magazine in her old room. And from their conversation I can found some considerations. And we will talk about the industry and the benefit from Porn Industrial.

As we know, in all media who have focus for adult reader such 18+. They focused to inform, to comunicate, and to release all about sexuality, porn, sex-life style, and sex based on categorial. And all this resources from Magazine, Internet, Articles, DVD, and Videos. The content and categories are Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenter, Queer, A+, etc .  And for now on to people who want to acces that porn must be adult and people with 18+ age. So, that will be difficult to children to acces and get this content. But people always have negative and bad feeling about porn media. They call it “disgusting”, and inappropriate for the society. But we can also see this case from other side.

The purpose of Porn Content is to give adult people information, as mediation, and distributor for people who want to get sexual satisfaction. That can be by picture, sound, video, and sex-toys. And usually the consumens of this industry are single men or women who want to feel sexual gratification but can’t ,because they are not have other person to do it. The other consumens is merried men or women but can’t  get sexual satisfaction from their partnert caused by age, disease, trouble and many more. And also for teenagers who want to know more about their sexuality.

From now on, all porn media and sexual content dominated by women. That because mens are the bigger consumens than women. And women not  exeedingly to explore and to express their sexuality. With the ages about 14 ‘till 50 years old. So what the benefit and pluss point from this industry ? .Porn Media Help People with their Sexuality. For the people who can’t finding and determine their sexuality but can’t do sex in act, they can see and can find some information from Porn Site, Magizine, articels, and some videos. And we know sexual is not only for men who love women. But also for men who love men, women who love women, or both. Adult people also can enjoy and get something from that porn content.

How about the healthy ? isn’t good ? isn’t bad ? . you can ask and consult to your doctor to ask and maybe they can give you some explanation from your questions. And I think is not bad if you can control it and do it savety.

And we must know, that Porn actor is a Job. They do it do make a money. Maybe from some pictures, videos, articles, and many more. And we must believe, as a porn actor they also have insurance for their healthy and they also got consultation from specialist doctors.

just it for today, thanks for reading

Ramos Pardede

Fashion Issue : Holiday Season Style !

hello everyone, here I come again, because of this Holiday season i would happy to share some inspirational style for you gals to stay stylist, cool, and great in this month !


let’s see


this one looks cool for all of men who love still works  in your holiday season, with dark-blue shirt, grey jacket, and brown Dr.Marten boots will makes you stunning.

2. this season full of colour, take a new shoes from AdidasxPharrell. its looks stunning in all style and also still hot for this seasons



3. All White and Black Style

Normcore-750x594   ootdindomen_2015-03-15_01-11-06

4. style- guide

6. Take your swim-suit

And here some street style inspiration for you guys !0d8c033df0e4f93dff5507372dbe7545

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 08:  Ryann Foulke is seen outside the Jeremy Laing show wearing a vintage top, Comme Des Garcons trousers, vintage shoes, Celine bag and Valentino sunglasses on September 8, 2013 in New York City.  (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 08: Ryann Foulke is seen outside the Jeremy Laing show wearing a vintage top, Comme Des Garcons trousers, vintage shoes, Celine bag and Valentino sunglasses on September 8, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images)

best-street-style-looks-at-new-york-fashion-week-springsummer-2014-28 London_Fashion_Week_spring_2015_street_style_looks7 hbz-street-style-nyfw14-day2-007-lgn G080113_3 mens-fashion-week-blue-vest-h724          Mens-Paris-Fashion-Week-Street-Style-Spring-Summer-2015-Sneaker-Culture milan-mens-street-style-2014-53


happy holiday gals !

stay cool, and keep stylist

Ramos Pardede

Hell-O July


things you can do in this month :

1. full or part-time jobs

2. make some art projects

3. go outside, beach, river, and other outdoor activities

4. Be Volunteer

5. Spend your time with family

6. join some course

7. reading BOOKs

just it for today,

happy July fellas

Ramos Pardede

Cara Delevingne for Vogue US July edition !


I am super exited for this one!. Vogue US released their Cover for this July edition, and for the cover of this “Fashion Bible” Vogue US choose one of popular, great, and cool model in earth, Cara Delevingne. On the Cover, he posed with summer style. she looks so natural in this cover and with a minimaliz make-up. as we know, Vogue magazine always choose a great Celebrity as their cover every single month. after choose Amanda in June Edition, for this summer they choose Cara, as we know also, Cara particulary often do a photo shoot for Vogue magazine around the world, including Vogue US.

And i believe , she will do great too inside this Magazine.

Just it for today,

have a nice day !

Ramos Pardede

Favorite TV Series All The Time (2)


Hy again !, how’s your day ? is that good ? is that bad ? i hope you can survive and get better for all of that. I am such a happy for now own, because I can write this one again. Yess! to tell you again my favorite TV Series All The Time. Like i said before, i really love TV Show and i love series, because of story, the cast, and the production. Ok let’s start !

  • New Girl

This show was produced by Zooey Deschanel ( she also playing this show main character : Jess ). New Girls is one of American TV Series who played in Fox start from September 2011. the series revolves around offbeat teacher Jess (Zooey Deschanel) after her moving into an LA loft with three (3) men, Nick (Jake Johnson), Schmidt (Max Greenfield), and Winston (Lamorne Morris); Jess’ best friend Cece (Hannah Simone) and old-turned-new loftmate Coach (Damon Wayans, Jr.) also appear regularly. The sitcom combines comedy and drama elements as the characters, who are in their early thirties, deal with maturing relationships and career choices. This shows so funny and fun.

Because from the story and the plot we can learn about how to live and survive in America, how to dela and have a good relationships with people around your home, like friends, best-friends, family, people in your work, etc. This show also got good responses from the audience, fans, and thecritical. With a lot nominations in many awards, this sitcom also win many awads based on fans and critical choice. From this show we can also can get some slang – new language from Jess character. Until now, this show succes with their four seasons, and for the next season will be announced later.

  • The New Normal

This one have really special stories because The New Normal is a TV Series about wealthy gay couple Bryan (Andrew Rannells) and David (Justin Bartha) who living in Los Angeles. They deciding to have a child, cause they have both gay, they choose a surrogate mother Goldie Clemmons (Georgia King), who moves into their home with her 9-year-old daughter Shania (Bebe Wood). This serial only have 1 seasons, created by Ryan Murphy who also created Glee and Ali Adler. From the show we can learn about love, family, and friendships. I agree with this show name, “ The New Normal”, maybe in this modern area and because of lifestyle the part of LGBT couple is “normal” now, it’s not diffent from straight peole, and another normal type form the show is that posible for gay couple to have a child, and it can happen by using surrogate mother.

it a “surprisingly touching comedy,” adding “For the most part, Normal plays like a lovely, small movie, mixing humorous moments with sweet, gentle grace notes. At its best, it plays like a Woody Allen film, something you may notice most when secondary characters stop and explain themselves to the camera.” Said Roberto Bianco from USA Today. This shows learn us about so many things from family side, your friends, your job, and your relationships with your patner.

just it for today, i hope you enjoy it and i promise that I will tell you more about Favorite TV Series all the time .

thank you for reading

Ramos Pardede